In a world where fanatical extremists attack innocent people and large companies spend their free time suing each other, it’s reassuring to see world leaders and CEOs showing that they care about what is happening in the world. Tony Blair was the first leader before the G8 summit to show his support for Africa and the environment and unlike other leaders, he wants to do all he can to help. Bill Gates made a surprise appearance at the Live 8 show to voice his support and as much as people may dislike Bill Gates and Microsoft, he has done a lot as a philanthropist. Bill and Melinda Gates have endowed a foundation with more than $27 billion to support philanthropic initiatives in the areas of global health and learning. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, called up the family of a teenager who was killed for an iPod. Steve Jobs spoke to Errol Rose who was Christopher's (the victim's) father and asked how he was doing and conveyed his sympathies. "He told me that he understood my pain," Rose said. "He told me if there is anything, anything, anything he could do, to not be afraid to call him. It really lightened me a bit."
I am sure there are many more stories out there that will support the title of this post and if you do know of any, please share them with us.