Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bush against Triple X

The Bush administration has asked for a hold on the release of the new domain .xxx. Michael Gallagher, assistant secretary at the Commerce Department, said "The Department of Commerce has received nearly 6,000 letters and emails from individuals expressing concern about the impact of pornography on families and children." The domain was to get its final approval today. The .xxx domain was definitely a shot in the arm for the porn industry. Before you know it, we will have a porn search engine that searches only the .xxx domain for content, images and videos. Porn will have its own exclusive space on the internet and it would definitely make it easier for children to find porn and easier for child porn addicts as well.
Click here to read more.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Happy Independence day, India!!


India Celebrates its 58th Independence day today. We have achieved a lot in only 58 years and we still have a long way to go. To learn more about India, click here.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Is the internet making us smarter?

Well, if not smarter but definitely more aware of the world around us. Thanks to laptops, search engines and Wi-fi, people at conferences and in classes are asking smarter questions. During a presentation or a lecture, someone in the audience can Yahoo certain facts and understand the topic better which would help ask better questions. Some teachers say that today’s students are asking more questions than their predecessors, possibly because parents have access to the internet and when asked a question by their children, they can have a reply other than ‘Because!!’. If your kid was to ask you something you don’t know about, search Wikipedia and you should get the answer.