A Taiwanese stock broker accidentally bought 251 million worth of shares (!!!!!) with a wrong keystroke. The company she works for,
Fubon Securities, is looking at a paper loss of more than $12 million. However, the company has decided to
keep the shares as their outlook looks pretty good but they will still be firing her. Apparently, they had a new computer system installed and she was not familiar with the system. Makes you wonder why wasn’t she trained properly and also, how did the new system allow such a huge buy? Shouldn’t there be some kind of check to see if you are either
Gordon Gecko or just plain crazy before you press the 'enter' button? I think the company is as guilty as the stock broker.
What happened to the prompt, "Are you sure you want to buy this lot?"
And then, "Are you really sure?"
Typical company response - shoot the messenger.
i'd be a little trigger shy after a snafu like that!
I need one of those "are you really sure you want to send this" prompts before I send out those nasty emails at work using the reply to all button.
Well, it's in Taiwan, where they value workers even less than they are valued in the U.S.
OK, now...I can feel it...I'm about to go on a rant...
One of my degrees is in Management. It is the most useless, idiotic waste of time to get that degree. It doesn't prepare you for the total stress in the real world when you're caught between the employer and the employee.
Imagine being taught (and buying - hook, line, and sinker) that Big Business and management is always right, and employees are lackeys who are your eternal enemies. You have to learn how to manipulate (and protect yourself) from them for the good of all mankind. OK, I exaggerate slightly. Very slightly.
Anyway, once you get out in the real world, you suddenly realize that if you're going to do your job properly, it means you will end up royally screwing a disproportionate number of people ... and expect to get screwed by your manager. I saw it happen each time. You are a friend to no one and an enemy to all.
It doesn't pay, if you have a conscience.
Bleah. OK, I'm done spewing.
Canadian Dude: I have the same problem... I had to seek the employ of "proof reader" for when management makes a bonehead decision and I go off on a tyraid. Best thing I ever did. :) Although, I must say that I do miss all of the follow up emails from those who would say, "I loved your email, I wish that I had the nerve to say that to management".
Saurkraut, I know the feeling. Its sad but that's the only way the world works. Sometimes you just wonder, why cant everyone be honest and fair? One thing i have seen very often is how people push the blame onto others. If there is one thing you need to survive out there is that skill because everyone will be doing it to you.
Canadian Dude, you wont believe how common that want is, we all need it :) Thankfully, i have a girlfriend who tries to make me wait and calm down before I send one of those emails or make one the not-so-nice calls. Some people say 'count till 10 before you do anything' but i need to count till about a 1000. I am quite impulsive.
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