You have heard of crazy auctions on eBay and this one isn’t any different. Karolyne Smith, from Utah, auctioned off her forehead as advertising space to any company that was willing to pay $10,000. Her auction reached the No.2 spot for the most watched auctions and the bidding amount was at $999.99 before GoldenPalace.com hit the ‘buy now’ button on eBay and agreed to meet her demand of $10,000. The employees at the tattoo parlor spent 7 hours trying to talk her out of it but she would not listen. She believes her 10 year old son needs a private education after falling behind in school and the money will go towards that education.
Click here if you want to see videos of her getting tattooed.
I might be willing to give a spot somewhere on my arm as advertising space to
Alexander Keiths for a life-time supply for their beer (amount of beer is negotiable) and I would like to have them delivered home on a periodic basis (delivery terms are negotiable too). Are you listening Mr.Keiths?
Leave it to you to think of beer first!! What about BMW, the tourism department of some small island, or Miramax??? Think big cher! :)
GoldenPalace.com got a bargain for their money. They'll get far more publicity than they would have ordinarily received for $10,000.
I'll go in on the beer deal if they're looking for more than one person.
I wonder what I could for a piece of my forehead?
I'm with Fred. What I don't get: why get the tatoo so LARGE? Why not get it in tiny little script? And how long does she have to wear it before she can have it lasered off?
Hi Saur,
I dont think she is allowed to get it lasered off. The guy who tattooed her tried to make it as close to her hairline as he could so that a hat or a different hairstyle could cover it up. Very thoughtful of him.
Maybe I should tattoo a link to my resume on my hand or something, It is time to job hunt as I will be graduating from the MBA class soon. :)
Woohoo! I for one, can't wait :)
Surely they have a time limit, don't they? I hope? If not, I would never have considered it. How awful.
Didn't know you were getting your MBA. In what?
Hi Saur,
I am getting my MBA in international business and e-business. Let me know if you know some company that is hiring. :)
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