Happy Birthday Dear MP3……….

In the picture: The audio team 1987 (from left): Harald Popp, Stefan Krägeloh, Hartmut Schott, Bernhard Grill, Heinz Gerhäuser, Ernst Eberlein, Karlheinz Brandenburg and Thomas Sporer. (Photo: Kurt Fuchs / Fraunhofer IIS)
Here is the letter announcing the decision to use the file extension (it is translated from German of course)
"Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 12:29:49 +0200
Subject: Layer3 file extension: .mp3
Hi all, this is the overwhelming result of our poll:
everyone voted for .mp3 as extension for ISO MPEG Audio Layer 3!
As a consequence, everyone please mind that for WWW pages, shareware, demos, and so on, the .bit extension is not to be used anymore. There is a reason for that, believe me
:-) Jürgen Zeller"
Love the smilie at the end of Jürgen's email. I remember the first one I ever got, it was from a weird supervisor... I couldn't figure out what the hell all of these =) equal sign end brackets, were throughout her work order request.
Happy Birthday MP3!!!
WOW! Another interesting tidbit of information. Thanks, Ajay!
I got my iPod just a few months ago. For a person who thinks of himself as a computer weenie, I totally missed this boat.
Now that I have my little gem, I'm wondering how I ever got along without it.
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