Don’t let the sun go down on me - Piccard

In 1999, Piccard made the first non-stop ‘around the world ‘balloon flight and his solar flight, in 2010, will be a non-stop effort as well. This trip will be split into 5 stages, each stage taking 3-5 days and Piccard will fly west to east, 10 to 30 degrees north of the equator so that he can take advantage of winds and of course, sunlight.
Here is the official website of Solar Impulse.
Ahh yes. He is very cool. I've followed his adventures before.
Neat-o ... can't imagine commercial lines ever going that way... shame... Air Canada could use some improvements!
The first step to energy independence! I hope they store power in those things; I'd hate to be flying at low altitudes and have the plane start taking a nose dive because of clouds.
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