The beta version of my new blog space is made active today. Please visit the site and let me know what you think. Although ‘all’ the suggestions may not be accommodated but they will definitely be appreciated. :) There are many reasons that made me turn to Wordpress and backups of the blog was one of them. There is also more control over the design and the search functionality makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for. Oh, let’s not forget the categories function and tons of other plug-ins that can be downloaded from the internet and if anyone wants to try out Wordpress, let me know, I would be glad to help. I have tried and maintained the same look for the new page as many people hate change (and I like the earlier design and color combination). Both the blogs will run in parallel till I get the bugs out of the new one.
Click here to go to the Beta version
here is a story about a pill that will improve memory and increase intelligence. I know some people who can be recommended for the tests. Do you? :)
The new site looks good! I'm looking forward to a review of all the new goodies, especially the plug-ins you mentioned.
Generally, I'm satisfied with Blogger. As I progress with my site, however, I'll probably be looking for more features. Maybe Wordpress is the ticket.
fascinating! I don't know anything about Wordpress. Is there a place you'd recommend that could give a basic synopsis for us?
Fred, Wordpress is a great software package and its free. Its pretty powerful.
Saurkraut, Check out the Wordpress site at http://wordpress.org/. It is so easy to set up too. I could help you with that if you are interested.
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