According to German
ornithologists, birds have learnt to imitate the ring tones they hear. Richard Schneider of the NABU bird conservation centre near the university city of Tuebingen stated "The birds have an uncanny ability to mimic these ring tones. This has picked up in tandem with the boom in mobile phone ownership”. The best mimics are jackdaws, starlings and jays. The ornithologists also claim that the birds are merely adapting to the environment which includes these annoying ring tones. So if you hear a bird mimicking Turn me on (by Kevin Lytle), don’t panic, it’s just their new mating call.
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Speaking of ring tones, my daughter bought one after she saw an MTV ad. What she didn't realize is that she bought one every single day. The cost included the ringtone itself, plus she got charged for connecting to the internet.
We had an extra $200 on our bill that month.
Oh my god. Thats crazy. This relates to Saurkraut's story, the hidden charges are evil.
Fascinating! I just called out to my other half and read this out loud to him. He said it makes sense, since parrots that are left at home learn to imitate dogs and phone rings. We had just been talking about a mynah bird that I remembered when I was a little girl who could speak almost fluently!
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