The Long Walk to Justice calls on the leaders of the world’s richest countries to help Africa by doubling the aid, dropping the debt and making the trade laws fair when they meet in Gleneagles on 6th-9th July. Support the cause by signing your name on the Live 8 website. I did. Click here to go to the Live 8 Live Website. You can also upload or MMS your picture to 0044 7774 777 444 and it will be posted on the G8 gallery.
Hey echomouse, i agree with you that they need more than that. More than anything, they need honest governments who will not steal all the money the world contributes. We did get some hope when Bob Geldof introduced the African girl who was trying to make something out of her life with the help she got from Live Aid.It was shocking to see her picture as a young baby and then seeing her walk on stage. Loved the concert and the music, was great seeing Pink Floyd playing.
I signed it. I'm all for helping them achieve fair trade. Doubling aid though...not sure that's what they need ultimately.
Hey echomouse, i agree with you that they need more than that. More than anything, they need honest governments who will not steal all the money the world contributes. We did get some hope when Bob Geldof introduced the African girl who was trying to make something out of her life with the help she got from Live Aid.It was shocking to see her picture as a young baby and then seeing her walk on stage. Loved the concert and the music, was great seeing Pink Floyd playing.
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