I can almost hear the announcer at a boxing match introducing IBM’s Supercomputer known as Blue Gene. I would like to call this event the ‘Computer Olympics’. It is held twice a year and the reason for this frequency can be attributed to the rapid development in the computer world. Every time you look around the corner, there is a faster processor released by Intel or AMD and it is no different in the supercomputing world. At the
International Supercomputing Conference (held in Heidelberg, Germany), IBM’s Blue Gene clocked 136.8 trillion calculations per second, or teraflops (sounds like a Looney Tunes word).
IBM also came in second with a computer called 'BGW' which clocked 91.2 teraflops,
Silicon Graphics Inc’s Columbia came in third clocking 51.87 teraflops.
Did you know that the human brain processes information at about 100 teraflops? I wish I had known that during my math adventures in school.
Click on the links if you want to learn more.
Blue Gene, Linux top supercomputing listIBM's Blue Gene Remains Tops In Supercomputer Rankings
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